Oct 29, 2015
This is carpet that has been damaged by a pet. It ripped up part of the carpet along the doorway. Good thing this customer called IECR. Our tech was able to repair the damage by using extra carpet and doing a patch.
Aug 5, 2015
Our tech had to go to Ontario to do a carpet to tile tuck. He had to add tack-strip first, stretch the carpet, and tuck it. Check out our reviews at YELP.
Jun 29, 2015
This is a berber carpet repair done by our tech in Ontario. The seams on berber carpet regularly unravel and then snag. While doing this repair our tech had to make sure that the pattern was not compromised.
May 18, 2015
Customer wanted to run a cable underneath the carpet. After pulling up the carpet and running the cable, we restretched the carpet.