Sep 8, 2015
For this job our tech did carpet stretching in four rooms and cleaned the carpet in five rooms. Client was very happy with the results. READ YELP REVIEW.
Aug 31, 2015
If carpet ripples are not taken care of soon you can have permanent ware paterns on your carpet. Give IECR a call today at (909)436-6080, if your carpet has ripples and need professional carpet stretching.
Aug 27, 2015
If your carpet has ripples you need to have your carpet stretched. To get the best results, you should have your carpet stretched and then cleaned. Just take a look at this carpet that we stretched and cleaned, it looks great!
Aug 24, 2015
Give IECR a call at (909)436-6080 if your carpet has ripples. Our tech is a professional who will walk you through the process, give you some carpet maitnance tips, and have your carpet looking like new.
Aug 21, 2015
Our tech went to Sun City to stretch and clean carpet. To stretch the carpet he used a power stretcher to ensure carpet was taut. We highly recommended to have your carpet stretched first and then cleaned. This can be done in one day and the carpet will dry...