Jun 15, 2015
Went to Palm Dessert to do a stretching job. Customer had multiple ripples in this room. Used a power stretcher to get a drum-tight fit. Customer was pleased with the results.
Jun 12, 2015
This is difficult carpet to work with, it’s especially hard to do a repair that looks seamless. Good thing our client called IECR. Our skilled tech did an amazing job repairing this pet damage. READ YELP REVIEW:
Jun 11, 2015
Our tech went to repair pet damage in front of a closet door. The pet had chewed through the carpet and padding and it had exposed tack-strip. This customer decided to have us repair the damaged carpet before someone stepped on the tack-strip and got injured.
Jun 10, 2015
Pet damage to your carpet come in all shapes and sizes like this one caused by a rabbit. Good thing this customer called the carpet specialist at IECR to repair their carpet. Give us a call at (909)436-6080, for all your carpet repair and cleaning needs.
Jun 9, 2015
Our tech went to do a carpet to wood tuck because the tack-strip came loose. To do this repair he re-tacked, stretched, and tucked the carpet. The transition looks great once again.